Village news from our correspondents | Craven Herald

2022-08-26 20:22:14 By : Ms. Shebe Zhong

Church news: Sunday 28th August 9.30am Austwick Holy Communion & 7.00pm Keasden Evening Service

Parish Hall: Sunday 28th August – Commemoration of the late P Joan Crompton in Austwick Parish Hall. Local nurse, health visitor and midwife. Further details on the village website

Austwick W I: Margaret Watkins joined us for our August meeting. After a brief introduction to her varied life, particularly that in the Salvation Army, she went on to describe how she had become in possession of ‘Aunt Edna’s’ hats. Members demonstrated the wide array of types, styles and sizes of hats that she had brought along and great fun was had by all. The next meeting will be on Thursday September 8th, in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm when Brian Cowie will talk about the work of The Cave Rescue Organisation.

Film Nights: Once again the film nights in Austwick Parish Hall recommence on Friday 9th September doors open at 7.00pm for performances commencing at 7.30pm. Ticket sales at Cross Leigh Store and on the door. Film features will be advertised near the time, however dates in your diary:14th October, 11th November, 9th December, 13th January 2023, 10th February, 10th March.

Rector’s message: On this Eleventh Sunday after Trinity we are reminded about humility. We live in a world where we are constantly passing judgement on our fellow men and women and can be utterly unforgiving when it comes to personal failures in others. By being so judgemental we are, consciously or unconsciously, elevating ourselves at the same time and many of us do so publicly. However, the reading from Luke’s Gospel provides us all with a timely reminder that ‘every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted’. It is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago.

Priory: The Chevin Singers are a newly formed group of ten singers based in the North Leeds area. They sing unaccompanied and encompass a range of styles, secular and sacred. They hope you will come to hear them in the Priory on Saturday 27th August from 2 pm to 3 pm. The presentation is an informal one where the audience can wander in and out as they please. There is no admission fee but there will be a retiring collection for charity.

Evensong at Ripon Cathedral: The New Gloriana Choir will be singing Evensong at Ripon Cathedral on 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th and 28th August. Some members of The Priory Choir will be singing with them. The times are 6 pm on Tuesday to Friday, 5.30 pm on Saturday and 3.30 pm on Sunday. All are very welcome!

Guides Wanted: If you would like to become a guide or a welcomer at the Priory Church we are recommencing in September. If you are interested please contact the Church Office 01756 710587, We are hosting the ‘Museum of the Moon’ in October and would like to have welcomers in the Priory for this event.

Church events: For the streaming, weekly sheet, magazine and special services and events please look at our website

Church news: St. Mary’s: Each Sunday at 11.15am; 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship; 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion; 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am BCP, 11.15am Family Praise.

Church news: St Augustine, Draughton: Sunday 28th August. 3.30pm Patronal Festival celebrating St Augustine.

Church news: All Saints Church. On Sunday August 28th, Communion will be at 9.30am, led by Rod Geddes. Everyone welcome.

Graham Taylor –

Parish Council: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Institute this evening (Thursday 25th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along on Saturdays between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field. No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. The aim is to support the School and get the garden bursting into bloom. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumbs” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Located in a field near the tow-path in Kildwick, just beyond the Priest Bank Road bridge.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (28th), starting at 11.00am.The church will be open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm

Flea Markets: There will be a double bill of Flea Markets at the Village Hall on Bank Holiday weekend. Sheila from Broadway Fairs will be holding a Fair on Sunday whilst Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be holding a Collectables Fair on Bank Holiday Monday. A few stalls will be there on both days but others will just be selling on the one day so its well worth visiting on both days as stock will be changing. There will be Vintage, Collectables, Books, Jewellery, Bric a Brac and Crafts for sale, all at affordable prices. Lots of bargains and unique items. Admission is just 50p per day with light refreshments served until 3.p.m on both days.

Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on Sunday at 8.a.m followed by a service of Morning Worship at 11.a.m.

Cinema Club: Dare I say, Autumn is almost upon us which can only mean one thing - Gargrave Cinema club will be returning to the Village Hall on Friday 16th September, so please save the date. The much acclaimed film The Duke, a 2020 British comedy drama will be showing.

Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. The fortnightly service of Holy Communion, using the Book of Common Prayer, is at 8am on Sunday 28th August. This is followed by Family Worship at 9.30am. Everyone will be very welcome at both these opportunities for worship. Refreshments are available after the 9.30 service with time to chat and enjoy fellowship.

Settle Graveyard Project: The project is running its Giggleswick graveyard trail ‘Railways, Rivers and Robbers’ on Bank Holiday Monday 29th August at 2.30pm. It’s free, light-hearted entertainment for the whole family. To book phone 015242 51002, or email or in person at The Folly in Settle. Full details on Donations to local charities.

Glusburn Community and Arts Centre: Our brand new events programme is now available to collect from the centre - copies are available from the office or in the lobby. The season opens with the film Belfast on Friday 2nd September, and the first live event is a fantastic Dire Straits tribute on Saturday 17 September. Please call in, or visit our website for more details and to book. Our weekly activities programme has been revised for September and again copies are available in the centre. We have about 30 different groups and activities for all ages meeting each week, including brand new messy play and cooking classes for children starting in September. Please come along and see what's available at your local community venue. Website: Office 01535 630 223 (Mon-Fri 10-12).

Arts Centre AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Glusburn Community and Arts Centre will be held on Wednesday 7th September at 7.15pm in the Meeting Room at Glusburn Institute. Residents of Glusburn and Cross Hills are invited to attend this meeting and are able to vote there and also nominate directors to assist with the running of this beautiful historic building.

This year has seen the building slowly getting back to normality after the Covid pandemic. Several regular groups have returned and we have welcomed some new groups to the building. In addition we have run a successful well-attended programme of events. Our new season starts on Friday 2nd September with a showing of Kenneth Branagh’s acclaimed film Belfast, followed later in the month on 17th by Money for Nothing the best Dire Straits tribute band in the country. More information about all our activities and events, including how to book, is available on our website; or follow us on Facebook.

The building is currently run by a small group of dedicated volunteers, more volunteers are always welcome and we are sure that we can provide volunteering opportunities to match your skills and interests. If you might be interested in volunteering please contact Debby on 01535 630223 or by e-mail

Sports Gala: Sunday August 28, commencing at 1pm. Fell races, children's field games, 'blind' sheepdog trial, Family event in beautiful surroundings in Littondale. Refreshments on sale. Entry and car-park free. Visitors welcome.

Wesley Centre: The Community Pantry will be open tomorrow in the Wesley Centre between 2 and 3 pm. This coming Sunday there will a Family Café Church event at the Chapel from 2 pm. The next Drop-In lunch will be Thursday 1st September at 12 noon.

Music Session: There will be a Music Jamming Session in the Black Horse this Friday evening from 8 pm. All welcome.

Hazy Dayz: There will be a tea, coffee, and chat session from 2 till 3.15pm at Hazy Days on Tuesday 30th August. All welcome.

Messy Monkeys: Children’s activity group that meets at 10.30am on Wednesday mornings in term time at the Institute. For details contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.

Kettlebells: Kettlebells exercise class meets Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm at the Institute. Contact Josephine Elsmore 07813 792191.

Church news: A service of Holy Communion will take place in St. Oswalds church on Sunday at 10.30.a.m and a service of Holy Baptism will take place at 12.30.p.m. The friends of St.Oswalds church will be serving teas in Langcliffe Institute on Sunday afternoon from 2.p.m until 4.30.p.m. Thanking all in anticipation for baking,serving, clearing, eating and lending. Please help yourself to apples from the church porch. Damsons and plums will be arriving soon.

Horton Show: Don`t forget the annual show at Horton-in-Ribblesdale which will take place on Saturday 3rd September in the old school and adjoining field. Sheep judging will commence mid morning and the school will be open for the viewing of the indoor exhibits around lunchtime.

Star Gazing: Join Pete Collins from Diamond Skies for a guided tour of the Dales night sky, and experience the Ingleborough Estate Nature Trail as never before. A superb dark sky is one of the things that make the Yorkshire Dales National Park so special, and with large areas completely free from local light pollution, it’s a fantastic place to start your stargazing adventure. There’s no better time to come stargazing here, now that the Yorkshire Dales National Park has been designated as a Dark Sky Reserve by the International Dark Sky Association.

The evening will commence in The Old Sawmill Café, at the entrance to the trail, with a talk by Pete about what we can see in the night sky, illustrated with his images of starry skies over iconic Dales landscapes. Then, if it's clear, we will head a short distance up the trail for some stargazing, where constellations, star clusters, galaxies (including our home galaxy, the Milky Way) and the planets will be pointed out to you. How long we spend on each activity is dependent on cloud-cover and weather conditions.

In the event that stargazing will not be possible, we will spend more time indoors, where Pete will go into more detail on what we would have been able to see in the night sky if clouds had not got in the way! In the event that we are unable to open due to extreme adverse weather, or any other problems, a full refund will be issued minus the card processing charge. Providing the event is running, refunds will not be offered to those unable to attend.

Booking is essential, and all ages are welcome. The Old Sawmill Café will be open for hot drinks and a selection of cakes on the evening, and Pete will have a selection of prints of the night sky alongside iconic local landscapes available for purchase. In total, you will walk a total of approximately 0.5km.

There are four dates to chose from - Oct 29, Nov 19, Jan 14 and Feb 11. Prices are from £15. Book online at:

Church news: St Mary's Church. On Sunday August 28th, Communion will be at 11.00am, led by Rod Geddes. Everyone welcome.

Church News: St Mary’s service on Sunday 28th August will be Morning Prayer with Rev James Rodley at 11am. Everyone welcome. Methodist church service on Sunday 28th August will be with Rev Dr Stephen Dawes at 11am. All are welcome.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards.

Craft therapy: Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Nordic walking: Meet every Wednesday 2.30pm at Long Preston Methodist Chapel car park. These fitness classes/walks last 1 hour and cost £5.

Settle Graveyard Project: The project is running the first of three graveyard trails in Long Preston on Sunday 4th September at 2.30pm at St Mary’s church. The first one is ‘The Boar’s Head and Beyond’. It’s free, light-hearted entertainment for the whole family. To book phone 015242 51002, or email or in person at The Folly in Settle. Full details on Donations to local charities

Church news: Visitors and locals alike continue to enjoy the refreshments served in church on Tuesday mornings, Settle’s Market Day, from 10.30am ‘til 1.00pm. Do call in for a cuppa or light lunch. You’ll be given a warm welcome. A short service of Holy Communion precedes the refreshments each Tuesday. This starts at 9.30am. Once again a warm.welcome is assured. Don’t forget that on 3rd September, the first Saturday of the month, you can enjoy bacon or sausage or egg butties freshly cooked by Chris, from 10am ‘til 1pm. Plus you can, if you wish, browse a selection of local and daily papers while you enjoy some refreshment. Homemade cake and scones also available. All proceeds to Church Funds.

Settle’s Pantry/Food Bank: In church on Fridays from 11am ‘til 12noon. As well as non perishable foods and household ‘basics’ fresh fruit and vegetables are available too. We’re most grateful to everyone who donates, in any way, to the Food Bank. Unfortunately it seems that there will continue to be a need for this facility. We now offer hot drinks and biscuits on Friday mornings if anyone wishes to stay for a chat.

On Sunday 28 August you are warmly invited to the service of Holy Communion at 11am.

Settle Photographic Group: August 23, 11am: Meet the photographers at Victoria’s Garden Tea Room; August 27 to 29, exhibition at Clapham Village Hall. September 19: Meeting: Processing Challenge, 7.30pm at St John’s Methodist Church (+ Zoom) .After the success of a similar event during lockdown, our Processing Challenge returns again this year. Members will be provided with three images which they may manipulate and re-present in any way they wish. We will also review the “Space” Gallery. September 27: Outing: Dry Rigg Quarry at 10:30am. Dry Rigg Quarry. Further details can be found at

Eco Explorer camp: The Eco Explorer day camp, organised by Churches Together in Settle & District for families, took place at Lower Winskill Farm on Tuesday & Wednesday, 16 & 17 August. Tent, gazebo & camping trailer with awning were erected on Monday morning, hoping that the thunderstorm forecast would change: Farmer Tom Lord advised against coming if there were storms, as the farm is above the Langcliffe quarry at a height of 1000ft. In fact, it was a lovely sunny day. 8 families came and enjoyed family games, art work, geology, exploring bird flight, and a nature walk. Snack & lunch items were served outside in the sunshine.

Wednesday early morning was extremely windy, so the leaders went to the farm at 6.30am to sort out the tent (pegs pulled out of the shallow, stoney ground) and gazebo, which had collapsed! The trailer tent & awning were thankfully not affected, so the activity materials were moved over there from the tent, in case the strong wind persisted. In fact, it abated and the day became warmer and bright for our guests.

We had a big crowd -12 families with 16 adults and 28 children. There was a happy, busy atmosphere for the activities, with stream dipping in the afternoon attracting most of them, despite the walk to Catrigg Beck. The team of 3 catered for us all very well, with all the food consumed. Our thanks to Farmer Tom Lord, Settle Rotary for a donation, Drake & Macefield for their delicious ham, Singing Kettle for 2 trays of chocolate crispies, and Booths for a food donation. It was a successful event, despite the weather problems, which didn't actually impinge on the families, just on the organisers.

Church news: Holy Trinity, Skipton. Sunday 28th August 9.45am Parish Family Communion with baptism; Wednesday 31st August 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP); 12noon Midday Prayer. Our café and shop are open 10am-2pm Wednesday to Friday, 10am-3pm on Saturdays. Our bellringers will be ringing a quarter peal at Holy Trinity on Sunday 4th September 5pm-6pm. For more information about any of our services please contact or phone us on 01756 793622. For events please visit our church calendar

Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.

Church news: St Oswald’s Church welcomes the following visiting vicars to take their 9.30am service during the Interregnum. Sunday 28th August, Holy Communion with Revd Nick Trenholme, Sunday 4th September Morning Prayer with Revd Tony Wilmont. Sunday 11th September, Holy Communion with Frank and Mable Parr. Sunday 18th September, Morning Prayer with Elizabeth Cooper and Glynn Price. All Welcome.

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